
I believe in bringing the power of computing to as many people as possible by making accessible and intuitive interfaces. I work primarily with Javascript in various forms, from front-end development in React, to back-end systems with Express and NodeJS. My most recent work has involved localization, natural language validation and text extraction. I love working with people from diverse backgrounds who are passionate about what they do.

I feel lucky to have grown up in two different cultures and countries. I lived in the Bay Area until the age of twelve, then moved to Stockholm, Sweden. Although it was certainly a difficult transition, it taught me a lot about being observant of other people's perspectives and being able to adapt to new situations. After high school, I spent some time playing music in various bands in and around Sweden. I also began working with graphic design and screen printing under the name Phonofidelic. In 2010 I began studying art and printmaking at the College of Printmaking Arts in Stockholm. During that time, the work I was doing began to take on less of a visual significance as I became more concerned with meaning production and what kind of things are being said through the process of creating art. These questions led me to begin studying Philosophy and Linguistics at Stockholm University in 2012. I was introduced to the concepts of semantics and formal logic which put into context many of the issues I was trying to deal with in art school.

One of the things that drew me to programming was that it felt like the practical application of the concepts I was studying in philosophy. I could see abstract ideas taking the form of objects and classes on the screen in front of me. I found it exciting to see that I could turn ideas into a program that would run on a computer and that excitement led me deeper into web development. Since first starting my journey into web development in 2013, I have been able to use the skills I acquired to solve challenging problems and build tools and applications that I love to use on a daily basis. What I love most about this space is that I continue to learn and grow each day as I face new challenges.

© 2021 Christopher Clemons